Hi, This is it – Pieces of Life, Made Extraordinary.
My first Blog post, YAY!!
I know, blogging, really?? Well yes. Not because I love to write or because I think I am an expert at anything, in particular, but because I have something to prove to myself. At 54 (almost 55), I'm still willing to learn new things and apply them to the rest of my life, hopefully with positive results.
I'm an extraordinary work in progress. This is a journey for me, really a learning curve. If you choose to come along, I welcome you and your comments, notice I'm saying comments not criticisms, as grandma always said “if you don't have something nice to say….” She would also say “If you don't like what you're watching change the channel.” So, if my writing isn't to your liking… I think you can fill in the rest.
Now my first adventure applied to the learning curve, is this blog. Let's talk about this blog page.
I did this – WooHoo, Double Yay!!
I got a domain, created the pages, the logo, the images. I went online found the hosting, learned WordPress (kinda), Themes, filled in, set up the forms, checked all the boxes, added plugins like MailMunch and Pretty Links, integrated programs, picked the fonts, the pictures and built this site. Now, if you don't know what any of that means, no worries, neither did I a month ago. Most challenging - came up with the tagline - this was hardest part. I was told tag line defines the page. If it makes or break the page, I may be in trouble- let's just say, it's a work in progress, just like my life and one day you may realize - Oh that's different.
Now I'm giving myself a lot of credit and I deserve it. Most people would not take the time, to learn how to get this done, but before I am black and blue from patting myself on the back, I do want to give credit to Tanya Aliza's Ultimate Branding Blueprint. While this was NOT easy, her program gave me the step-by-step of where to go and what to do, everything to get it set up. Since it worked and I'm here, if you're looking to start a blog, I highly recommend her step-by-step program - The Ultimate Branding Blueprint Guide.
If you're not quite ready for that but have something positive to say, connect with me and submit a post if we agree and feel it fits with my page and let's face it, right now it could be anything. I'll post it here for you.
Once a week I will be posting about things I have been incorporating into my life and let you know what's working and what's not. Where I need to try again start over my learning curve, as it may be. Topics will vary, just like my life.
Health, which I need to take more seriously. Fitness, which I need to take more seriously. Money, which I need to take more seriously. Beauty, which I need to take less seriously. Some fun stuff, like a book or movie review. Places we've traveled or are hoping to travel to, which we all need to do.
As for me, if you wanna know a little bit more about me go to the “About Me” section. I've read it's the most looked at section of the page, so if you really want to be bored go take a look.
That's it for now.
Dear Diary, This week I learned to learn how to create and publish a blog page online -- I am extraordinary!